Saturday, March 7, 2009

Father and Son - Book Two - A Possibility

In a post last week I wrote about how Paul and I have been discussing working together on another book. We had been talking about another season history, but there were a lot of negatives in terms of the amount of work involved and other priorities. To my surprise another possibility came up this week that has some real potential.

Potential and possibility are key words in this context as there is a competitive process involved. Through SABR (Society for American Baseball Research - for DT who hates acronyms) I read that McFarland & Company (publisher of both of my books) has issued a request for proposals for a new series about famous baseball stadiums. One of the stadiums in question is none other than Ebbets Field (pictured above), the legendary home of my beloved Brooklyn Dodgers. It is to my lasting regret that I never got to Ebbets Field, but as someone pointed out to me, it certainly wasn't my fault - I was only 11 in 1957.

Anyway what McFarland and the series editors are looking for are proposals from potential editors who would write a chapter or two, but more importantly would organize a group of writers who would contribute articles and work on oral histories from living eyewitnesses. While it would certainly take some work, it sounds like something that would be manageable for Paul and myself. So we are going to try, I will start working on the basic proposal which is due by May 1st and we will see what happens. Ebbets Field was opened in 1913 so some of the research done for "The Major League Pennant Races of 1916" gives us something to build on. Paul's interviewing skills developed at three different newspapers will also be an asset. It would be great if we can do this - both in terms of the topic and the chance to do another father and son project.

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