Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Obama's Inaugural Address and New Jersey history - Perfect Together

If I am going to write much about President Obama's inaugural address, I want to wait to read it and think about it, but there is one thing I can't resist saying. I thought the ending where he went back to the darkest days of the revolution and the battle of Trenton was inspired. My guess is that it is to some degree a Lincolnesque touch. Lincoln used the Gettysburg address to tie the Civil War into the Declaration of Independence. In the same way our new president tied our current problems to a time when the American spirit triumphed in the face of far greater odds. Even if that opinion is not correct, I just want to remind all of us where that happened - not in Massachusetts or Virginia, but here in our state - our New Jersey!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought that it was a New Jersey moment that Obama was talking about. Thanks for confirming that! I actually would be interested in a posting as to the inaugural speech. I will check back.